OPEC+ Decisions and Oil Market Dynamics

With the global oil market on edge, all eyes are on the upcoming OPEC+ meeting as analysts' predictions clash and concerns over Russian production rise.

As OPEC+ gears up for a pivotal meeting, the global oil market is on tenterhooks, with the future of oil prices hanging in the balance.

Analysts' Predictions on OPEC+ Meeting

The upcoming OPEC+ meeting has analysts divided. Goldman Sachs predicts that the nine major OPEC+ producers who announced voluntary production cuts in April will maintain their production but with firmer rhetoric. HSBC, on the other hand, believes OPEC+ will adopt a cautious approach, waiting to see the impact of the last cuts before making new decisions. Kpler suggests that OPEC+ is under increasing pressure and will likely make new production cuts. RaboBank predicts that OPEC+ will continue with the production cuts initiated in April.

Russian Influence and Market Reaction

Meanwhile, oil prices are sliding due to disappointing Chinese indicators and an aggressive monetary policy by the US Federal Reserve. The market is increasingly concerned about Russian production, which has perhaps been reduced marginally, but certainly not by the promised 500,000 barrels per day. This has weakened the position of the OPEC+ alliance and has led to speculation about whether Saudi Arabia will continue to reduce their production and surrender market share to Russia.

As the world waits for the outcome of the OPEC+ meeting, the question remains: Will OPEC+ decide to maintain current production levels or introduce new cuts? And how will this decision impact the global oil market in the long run? What will be the implications of Russia's high oil production on the global market and OPEC+'s influence?

WTI Crude Oil – Mind Map:

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Sebastien Bischeri,
Oil Trading Strategist